Thursday, June 18, 2009


Scott Hall (left) and Chase Coburn (right) form a formidable defensive pair.

Doctor Steven Komhathy gives it a boot as Scott Hall (left) prepares to take-off after it
Scott Hall (rightmost), MVP of both flag football and soccer in 2009

Rickey, hoping that by bringing his head closer to the ball, his kick will have more power. Isaac Callicotte is doubtful.

Isaac Callicotte demonstrates his wonderful balancing ability.

Doctor Steven Komjathy, a healer off the field, an impenetrable wall on the field,

Chase Coburn finally gets a breather on the field


Rickey, Jared, Jamie = very strong but not very scary

Kick-off and Sign-Up Party

Friday, June 12, 2009


PRA's women's volleyball team, happy before competition began

There they are again, shining more happily with their gold medal

Table Tennis

Joye He delivers a backhand smash

Scott Hall and Brian Payne prepare for table tennis...

and then play like pros

Joya He is delighted after winning a gold medal in women's table tennis

Co-ed Flag Football pictures

(Anj) Angela Hebenstreich throws a football as quarterback Dr. Brett Gower observes
(from left) Dr. Steven Komjathy, Rickey Pack, Angela Milne, Sarah Harness, Dr. Brett Gower, Scott Hall, Jared Buchbaum, and Anj Hebenstreich look rather dangerous after playing flag football

PRA's flag football defense, mysterious but often effective

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Track Meet 2009 pictures

Jane Sandmeyer, PRA's medal-earning 800 meter runner
Kiley Miles, divisional Long Jump champion

Jamie running strong in the 800

Rickey with fiancee, Ryan, after the 100 meter dash

Angela and Milne and Rickey do drills before the 800 meter relay

Tonya Griffith sprinting with a veteran's form in the 100 meter dash

Joya He and Rickey Pack outside of PRA's building practicing starts on a warm day. Little did we know that Jamie had spotted us and taken this picture.

Joya He (left) takes off in the 100 meter dash

Jamie Holmquist (aqua shorts) runs her first ever 400 meters in a time that next year, based on this year's results, will earn her a medal since she will shift up in age groups

Angela Milne, Rickey Pack, and Jared Buchbaum are relaxed before the 800 meter relay

Jamie Holmquist and Joya He

Joya He running the mile

Vicki Hugo running the 800

Tonya Griffith flying in the long jump

(from left) Rickey Pack, Angela Milne, Jared Buchbaum, and Jamie Holmquist are all smiles after their fabulous divisional 3rd-place 800 relay run.