Thursday, May 26, 2011

Golf - 2011

Ronna Knetter coordinated Golf and played with Shelly Broll, shooting a 96 - a mere 4 strokes from the bonus-point earning 8th place.

Ronna wrote a few quick thoughts:
We had a blast, and played with Caravan, they were awesome.  They finished with a 103.  For the most part weather was good but it started raining on us on the last hole.  The women's tournament is cursed with rain every year.  The storm from the night before dumped a lot of rain on the course and it was swampy, so cart path rules applied. If you didn't hit a good shot you were trucking to find it, it proved to be challenging at times, to keep up game play with the really good teams.


The men, Chase Coburn and Brian Payne, shot an 80 amongst a highly competitive group.

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